Exfoliation Bars

In shower Exfoliating Coffee Lotion Bar

In shower Exfoliating Coffee Lotion Bar

These are absolutely luscious and smell of fresh coffee and cocoa. Simply take in the shower with...

Your price: $7.25 (List Price: $10.25)

Oatmeal Exfoliation Scrubby Soap Bar

Oatmeal Exfoliation Scrubby Soap Bar

  Organic Body Products combines an Organic soap base along with organic oats to make the...

Your price: $6.50 (List Price: $9.25)

Exfoliating Pumice Scrubby Bar

Exfoliating Pumice Scrubby Bar

**Indicate Oil Choice At Checkout** NEED A BIG TIME EXFOLIATION?? Perfect for those stubborn heels...

Your price: $6.50 (List Price: $9.25)